May 21, 2008

Shaking Like a Leaf 2

Filed under: General — mhanlon @ 12:48 pm

He could simply go home, wash the cheese particles out of his hair… err, head, discard his clothes, and jump in the truck and just start driving.

Shaking like a Leaf

Filed under: General — mhanlon @ 12:08 pm

No one wants to shake your hand when you’ve got goo all over it. No one.

May 12, 2008

Ask Fred

Filed under: General — mhanlon @ 11:38 am

A short little ditty about the rain. And a ferret.

May 5, 2008

The Earth Shookâ„¢

Filed under: General — mhanlon @ 9:30 pm

A little ditty from the depths of our hearts. Collective, which is the reason for the plural hearts. We weren’t born with two (or more) hearts, you know.