I believe I've my career goals sorted now, and everything's a'right. Had been a bit worried there, maybe a mite concerned with a possible lack of direction, as some people were saying, a kind of meandering, others, and a few of the original people, were saying, as well.
"Lost my bloody mind," went the story from a good deal of other people, one of whom was a brother of mine.
My goldfish weren't speaking to me, either, which was all right, because they'd never really spoken to me, we'd just kind of gotten on in our quiet way, the neither of us talking to the other unless I happened to be sitting at home, alone except for the fish, and I was particularly bored. Pathetic, some might say, but I'd probably have to argue with them about the exact definition of pathetic.
Anyway, guess that counts as a digression, huh?
All right, so the whole point of it is, I've figured out exactly what it is I want to do with my life.
I'm going to ask Meg Ryan to marry me.
She always has it so nice, right? Ok, ok, so I've heard she could quite possibly already be married to someone, but err... well, I don't really have anything to offer her really, in the way of money or great things like that or anything, but I've watched quite a good deal of her movies, and she always has it so nice, I'm just sure she'll agree.
Or, you know, we don't even really have to get married, we can just run away for a bit, and she can smile at me, if she likes. In the park, she's always in the park in her movies.
Oh yeah, it'd be pretty nice. Because I like the park anyway, so why not?
I think it'll get on great, just really grand.
So I've got my career, and I feel pretty good.
Pretty much just a fine night for a walk.
This issue, while not recommended by the government (any [oh, except the Belgian government, they really weren't too happy with it at all, but then they never are with anything, are they? {oh, or the Laplanders, they were horribly against it, wouldn't even allow it into the country. I apologise to all Laplanders, who, right now, are only allowed to see a rather crude drawing of a heliocentric galaxy system in place of this week's issue.}]), is also not really expressly condemned too much to any real degree.
It also is almost certainly not going to cause any eating disorders or three of five hay fever-like symptoms.
And we stand by those. Claims, that is. Or non-claims. Whichever.