sane magazine


We don't normally like to do this sort of thing, especially if it's also web-related/based, especially if it's geared towards our sort of readers, but, in this case, it is perfectly justified, perfectly legitimate, and quite quite nice of us.

So we would like to announce something, we're not allowed to say what, or even why, really, but it's worth announcing, believe me.
Especially cryptically.
Sure, some may say we're biased, must be the project of a relative, or at least someone with money, some (or most) of which finds itself being deposited in our Swiss bank account (the number for deposit is 210-34449-929-00, if anyone would care to put some in as well), but we can honestly say that we really, really like what it is we're plugging.
And for those of you that read sanemagazine for it's nice, friendly, no-link type pressure, you may just miss out on what the hell it is we're talking about, talking about in this evasive, sort of mysterious type way. Which is too bad, really, because it's really rather nice, touching, even. But not touching in any sort of underage illegal way. Touching like a blockbuster movie whose theme song you've heard countless times on the radio, one time it even prompted you to turn to your companion of that moment and suggestively wiggle your eyebrows in a manner that might lead to something romantic, squishy, and that you hopefully didn't regret the next day.
It's coming, and coming in the sort of way that will be actually actualised, and not, like certain other announcements we may or may not have made, coming in a sort of indefinite, some day before the author dies kind of way. This author and crew will most definitely be alive for this one.
We bring to you, to the world around you, to the whole big deal that's going on, temporarily appearing nearby:

We want you to want us.
And supertart.

So go read like you've never read before!

Yer Weekly Horoscopes. Still, like this magazine.

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