And elsewhere, standing on the ground, staring at the sky, as children are wont to do, especially when they've got things they should have been doing, like mowing the lawn, or fixing their parents tea, or reading, is a child.
And it's a starry sky.
So the kid probably should have been inside, sleeping. Unless it was one of those early winter nights, during which time the Sun sets at half four in the afternoon, and everyone got depressed and the children whinge about being carted off to bed before they've even eaten dinner, and not listening to the sound economic reasoning of their parents saving money by not feeding them in the winter months.
But it wasn't. It was a late summer evening, and the kid had snuck out to go look at the sky. Which was a bit of a pattern of the child, every night running outside, well past dark, well past he'd been put in bed, like some little spring-loaded-like kid thing that kept popping out of the thing you'd put it in intitially, only to have it pop back out a few minutes later.
If you'd asked him what he was doing, had you happened to have been out, walking through his yard at that time of night, and inclined to ask questions of mad little children staring up at the sky, and not concerned with asking the blatantly obvious questions, he would have told you, probably after emphasising how blatantly obvious the answer to your question should have been, that he was waiting for a spaceship.
Which is pretty much the bog-standard thing for a child to be doing at the time of night. Outside. Looking up at the sky. With ridiculous-looking pink pyjamas on. Which I had told myself I wasn't going to mention, and probably promised him something along the lines of, but I just couldn't resist.
All of which is made okay by the fact that, that night, a spaceship did happen by, and it picked him up.
And after a brief interlude, presumably for him to get his safety belt fastened, it was off again.
Nobody sparkles like you.
The serial kicks into plenty of excitement and the like next week! Woohoo!