19 days without a serious on the job mortal injury and/or wound, unless you're counting the wombats escaping and running wild through the office, and one of them happening to chew on an intern whilst gnawing on a cardboard box. While he wasn't quite mortally wounded, his pride suffered a deadly blow, and paramedics weren't called in to take him away because of his personal
beliefs about the personal hygeine of paramedics, not that I have anything against them, personally, and he wound up sitting up on one of our higher shelves, the one we generally keep old hat boxes filled with various textures of tissue paper on, until yet another wombat escapee leapt out of one of the hat boxes, and, covered in a light blue tissue paper, mauled the poor, young, misguided youth within an inch of his poor, misguided young life, at which point the poor, sad youth toppled from the shelf, bounced off the water cooler, and was eaten by a third, yet slightly bigger, and horribly more rambunctious escapee wombat, who proceeded, either accidentally or on purpose, to eat our intern.
We are looking into the accusations that we have a wombat problem.
Today, in the whole of Italy, is National Throw Water at One Another day.
Apparently, the whole of Italy, and this coming from an Italian (no, not me), hangs around and throws water at one another today.
Midway through August, in this summer of, well, not quite Love, but mild fuzzy feelings, in the middle of a chocolate malted, a serial was stopped. It begins again next week. Or to begin yet again, as the saying goes.
The serial is to be continued...