Sweat It Out
How much was that dog in the window? Taking a peek back, without trying to seem like I was taking a peek back (I had a cover story that I was checking the window because I was a CIA spook, casing the street behind me, unobtrusively), the little handwritten piece of paper on the dog's box said $195.
So I left the storefront, and kept on walking down the street. I was hoping he'd be a little cheaper than that, but $195 was going to break the bank, in my case.
But something in the back of my head... well, it was a little kid. And that little kid was speaking with a grown up voice, sounding very much like his mother: "How much is that dog, really? Can he really be $195? Can't you go check? For the poor boy's sake?" That little kid speaking in a grown up's voice made me turn around, again, and head back to the shop.
The shop owner was nice. Even when I asked, "How much is that dog in the window?" I felt a bit stupid, like asking, "And how much is this?" in a dollar store.
"One hundred and ninety five dollars."
"Right." The voice in my head, well, this time it was just the little boy's face, looking forlorn, and saying, in his own little boy voice: "But how much is the dog?" "Are you sure? I thought it might have been on the wrong box... or something."
"No, sir, I'm afraid not. One ninety five."
Right. Well, the song will be a lot less interesting, and with a lot less mystery, the next time around.
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