I Want Out
That little voice inside his head kept crying out to be heard, occasionally at inopportune times.
Not that it mattered these days, as even at inopportune times the voice managed to be passed off as just practicing. Sometimes he felt that joining that improv group was the best thing he'd ever done.
When the improv group began randomly killing audience members, though, it was knocked slightly lower on the list; just behind joining the model United Nations as a seventh grader and winning at jacks back when that still just about meant something.
Happy New Year.
A perfect time of year to get the still mostly brand spanking (not literally) new Sane Magazine tshirt!
We're back in the office this week after a little hiatus (not that anyone noticed - we did keep those issues cranking out, in absentia) visiting our Clare girls in bikinis, who were very cold this time of year. In fact, we're still not back, even as you're reading this, more likely than not. Go figure.
This possibly explains the last few somewhat... terse, shall we say, issues.
See you back here next week with an abnormally focused issue. Probably.
Support Sane:
Tshirts & clothing: The Sane Magazine Shop at Cafe Press
- New designs trickling in now... a new ringer tee and bib this week.
A Book: Fenway Fiction
For you writerly types: Download Writer.app (which is free, so it's not really supporting us in a monetary, sugar daddy or mommy sort of way, but more in a "hey you guys go!" sort of way)
Or, visit our store at Amazon... check out some of the books that inspire or otherwise provoke the Sane Magazine writers. Our collection includes the newest Thomas Pynchon book, which we don't really have time for, but there you have it.
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