Before I employ myself in presuming to know others, I must first know myself.
This is a good deal more difficult than it may seem.
There is a vast store of wisdom dedicated to being ignored by the general public to the effect of this self-same advice, namely, to know thyself.
So we're perhaps being a bit pedantic, repeating advice you've ignored countless times before, either foolishly arrogant enough to believe you'd heed our advice, the same advice you'd heard before, and seen fit to ignore, or naive enough to think that you may not have heard the advice on previous occasions, perhaps thinking we were presenting it in a fresh enough manner to interest you. Which may, possibly, be out of character for us. Being pedantic. Maybe. Though there's also a good chance it's quite in keeping with our character.
However. None of these concerns of twice-cooked advice. No.
Not only did I tend to be quite coy upon being approached by myself, I also seemed to have a bit of a speech impediment. The speech impediment turned out to be a false impression, which was righted once I got to know me quite a bit better and got past the whole shyness bit, which was quite appealing, at first, bit only annoying at a later stage, namely, fifteen minutes after meeting.
Not so say shyness/being coy doesn't have it's place. Oh, most certainly it has it's place in mating rituals/courting traditions, wherein both parties go on for the equivalent of 18 or so months (drunken/mating months occuring at roughly 360 times the normal pace of life in general's month cycles, usually without any semblance of good judgement that may or may not happen to creep into normal courting rituals). But in knowing oneself, come on.
At any rate, I found myself to be quite pleasant, if a bit anti-social, after a few drinks, and wound up not going home with myself, on the basis that there were tremendously more interesting people out there.
Where you is is where you stand. Unless you're sitting.
Or lying down. Which is an altogether reasonable option to sitting or standing, as it's tremendously less effort. I happen to like to it much better that way, myself.
This week's issue is kept shorter for those in the audience with a shorter attention span, and for my poor, poor brain. Or the gentlemen and women of the 33rd Brigade. Who were right after the Light Brigade.