
The Extremely Long Title (Possibly Violating Sane Magazine Conventions and Templates and Wreaking Havoc on Our Poor, Dear Web Developers Who Have to Fix This Rubbish When It Breaks, and Being Whingey Web Developers, Will Spend the Evening Having Fits at Any and All Who Happen Past Their Desk and Are Deemed to Be Not Moving Fast Enough to Escape at Least One Sortie of Complaints, Which May Then Be Ignored or Addressed, Depending on the Social Graces and Level of Tolerance for Web Developers (Generally Quite Low, We've Found, Themselves Being Not the Most Endearing Creatures on the Planet, and Often Quite Smarmy), and, in Addition, Possibly Violating Conventions of Good Taste and Improper Use of Large Fonts and Limiting This Issue to Our Broadband Users, Who Will Find Large Fonts Exciting, Dynamic, and 200% Larger Than Our Regular Font (Or So, We're Just Estimating, So Don't Hold Us to 200% as an Actual Number, Like When You Were a Kid and Were Told about the Number Google and Got a Huge Kick Out of Using It as Your Trump Card Until Someone Thought to One-Up You by Using 'Google Plus One' as Their Largest Number and Fisticuffs Ensued and You All Got in an Enormous Amount of Trouble, Getting into Yet More Trouble When Someone Attempts to Quanitfy the Amount of Trouble You've Just Gotten Yourselves into with the Largest Number They Can Think of), and Is Especially Handy, Overall, if You've had a Few Glasses of Wine and Didn't Feel Like Putting on Your Glasses, Anyway, to Try and Read Sane This Week, Managing All of This (The Broadband, Pissing Off of Web Developers, and the Wine Drinking, in Case You'd Either Forgotten or Hadn't Been Paying Attention) While Also Having Remarkably Little to Do with the Actual Content of the Issue, as Is Our Style/Habit) on a Halfshell

Some days, not much happens in the mountains.
A bird shrilled across the landscape, which is an extremely ambiguous description/image, but there was no one around, in the non-happening mountains, to give anyone any grief over this small bit of laziness.

You are being watched.

Yer Weekly Horoscopes. Gargantuan Babes from Outer Space!