It was impossibly sunny, sun glinting off cars, small children, bigger children, the children's parents, grass, hills, fountains, playing fields, pipes that probably served some sort of purpose, concrete, lots and lots of concrete, a duck, apple trees, palm trees, a few sort of scraggly trees that remind everyone of oak trees but aren't, really, a few big buildings, also of concrete, a slew of playground equipment and the accompanying childrenmonkeys and their accompanying Jane Goodall/mothers, the bulk of whom were not also on the playground equipment, but instead choosing to stand by and watch (or not) their childrenmonkeys, observing their behaviour very very closely under the impossibly sunny sun.
With just a small cover of smog.
People drove by, claiming the city as their own by driving around in large cars, driving a very long way, even just for a hamburger and chips. Driving with a vengeance, driving with probably one, maybe two, eye(s) on the road, and possibly the same one they were driving on, and not, say, looking at the 101 whilst bopping on the turn on to Mulholland Drive, or staring straight into that same impossibly sunny sun, which made it rather difficult for them to appreciate the finer points of where the asphalt was, exactly, which added to the sense that they, indeed, were going about claiming the city as their own, driving this way and that, asserting their influence over the veins that snaked through the city, looking suspiciously like their river, only slightly less damp, sometimes, and generally covered with a whole lot more sashaying cars than the river was. The preponderance of people who look like famous people also made the claiming of the city via automobile slightly more multifaceted than you might have thought, multilayered even moreso in it's deep meanings, something a fiction writer could probably do a whole lot with. The phrase "they claimed the city with their cars" could come to mean a whole lot of other things past just claiming the city with cars (which I keep mistyping cras, for some reason) like city-claiming car-driving with popstar-watching, faux-popstar-watching, sun-driving, and the challenges of driving around roads full of Californians all added in! Add in a guy turning into a Bug (oh, perhaps an allusion to a guy driving a car who happens, in a moment of either blindness due to the setting sun or stupidity, to turn right on to Hollywood, directly into the passenger side of a VW Bug, injuring no one, but stopping all sorts of traffic on a hevaily trafficked street as it is) and you have a potential literary thing.
And the scene was a whole lot warmer than it should be in November, which is not a bad thing at all. And the childrenmonkeys were, when not treed (or playground equipmented), drove scooters.
There are large and mysterious forces at work in the Universe, and the bulk of them go on right at the Sane Magazine Mansions in swanky London town.
One of them is named Biffy.