Continuing our bit of a jaunt down memory lane, we were subjected to walking through our old offices in New York City, once a thriving hub of activity for Sane Magazine, where it came into it's own, many might say, if they were discussing such things, as you might, over a pint or two, where it actually took on the domain name, a fitting one, many might say, since that was the name of the magazine (minus the dot-com bit), and it seemed like a sensible thing to do at the time. In one memorable stretch, we managed to produce more avocado-based dolls than anyone else in the New York City metropolitan area in the span of twenty-four hours in a concentrated burst of doll-making. Shortly thereafter we had a hard look at what we were actually doing with our time, but still, quite impressive. Not that we have a lot to show from that, as avocados seem to go rotten rather quickly, and we were able to see a few dark patches on a windowsill of the old scene of so many triumphs, but not a trace of the dolls, as someone apparently took the fake hair home after the avocados went the way that all avocados eventually do, whether they're dressed up as dolls or not.
We sat around the office, getting possibly a little drunk, as we did in the old days (erm... okay, and now, as well, only this time in our new bustling centre of activity), reminiscing about times past as we tend to do, an old intern, now living in Connecticut with a family of three and writing features for a local newspaper managed to make it down for the reading and drinks, though he was beaten by the one remaining editor in New York upon his entrance to the old office.
We reflected on the state of affairs of the office that used to produce the bulk of Sane Magazine, and how much money they felt that entitled them to waste, especially in lieu of the fact that they never quite supplanted the Merrion Square location as the headquarters of the whole thing, and, by rights, the headquarters of an operation is the place that gets to blow money on obscenely large quantities of strawberry jam, and them alone.
As you may or may not know, Sane Magazine was forced to withdraw the focus of energies on the New York City offices in late 1998 when the mayor, Rudy Guiliani, after having ousted all pr0n shoppes from Times Square, made the city a safer place to live, and executed all hot dog vendors, began focusing his energies largely on our own poor staff after a few rather ill-timed explosions at the New York City office of Sane Magazine.
A series of police raids on our offices, during the course of which it was marignally more difficult to work than usual, and we were finally forced into a minor firefight with the invading Hessians (Rudy hadn't wanted to spare any police the Times Square and busting sweatshoppes in Brooklyn, so he'd hired mercenaries), and, ourselves not having heavy artillery past a few older IBM mainframes and a Howitzer or three, we were finally reduced to hurling verbal abuse through the windows to counter their impressive array of things that blew up and sent shards of all sorts of things that react badly to being set fire to all over the place, ruining a formerly good staircase and a few interns on roller skates.
As the afternoon wore on it became apparent that the Hessians had quite a good deal more of the things that exploded, and were quite keen to use them on ourselves (and the reason we lasted as long as we did may be attributed to the fact that they seemed just as happy to use them full stop, anywhere, including passing pedestrians, people out walking dogs, and rubbish bins on the pavement), so we stopped our own torrent and finally asked what it was the mayor wanted, exactly.
Well, we signed an NDA before we were able to see what it is he wanted, but, needless to say, our new hub (though not headquarters, as Merrion Square's large tub of strawberry jam and long list of complaints from the neighbours will attest) had to be staked well outside of the Toasted Banana City, as we liked to refer to it, in London, for which we haven't come up with a nickname yet, leaving behind at our old offices on editor and a guy who says he's supposed to do distribution, although with us being largely digital I can't quite see what it is he's doing down there.
Ah those were heady days.
The remaining tour date is in Los Angeles - Tuesday 14 Nov. - Sherman Oaks Van Nuys Recreational Center - 3 pm.
If you haven't booked now, you don't have to worry about booking, as it's a park, and we're reasonably confident we're not going to overfill the park and risk violating any fire hazard laws.
See you there.
Love and kisses,
The Head Editor.