What Am I Doing?

I stepped out into the coolish spring night, my eyes ablaze.

Not literally, mind you.

My eyes just felt full of fire, and I swept them over the parking lot like twin beams from a lighthouse. Or twin beams from two light houses, set a couple of feet from one another, their beams sweeping the night sky in sync.

When they fell on my car, the little yellow convertible with the racing stripes, and when the car exploded in a great fireball of metal and gasoline and rubber and leather and whatever the convertible top was made out of, that's when I knew it wasn't a metaphor, and that it was actually literally, that my eyes were ablaze. I also thought that maybe I should go have my eyes checked out again.


Wow. What. An. Overwhelming. Response.

Thank you, thank you, so much, to the hundreds that rolled up to the Arlington Center for the Arts last week... what can I say? What an emotional outpouring of support for our dear little book, linked below.

My hand is actually quite sore... not from the autograph signing, though I'm sure it would have been, had the other thing not happened. The other thing, as most of you know, having been there, was the one armed tackle I had to make, in open field, of the masked man attempting to make off with a whole pallet of copies of Fenway Fiction. I'll say it again as I said it to him, as he lay writhing on the ground, as I managed to hit him in just the pressure point below the knee that renders one incapacitated in a particularly painful way, and to all of you, who may feel you're entitled to the free copy or dozen of your favorite book, just for being a fan: "No. You'll have to buy yours, just like the rest of us."

Now, I admit, you may be inclined to turn to a life of crime, for lack of your own copy of Fenway Fiction. "Please, but sir, I don't know where I may obtain a copy," you might be saying. You might be saying this while wearing a dingy cap, an ill-fitting jacket covered in soot, and a cravat, also soot-covered. This would be what I call "an excuse."

So here's what you do: if you're the internet-inclined, click on any number of the Fenway Fiction links you see scattered throughout this disclaimer. That will take you to Amazon, where you can buy your very own copy. With money, all above board. Don't declare it on your taxes or anything, unless it's a business expense. Which Q.I. Productions employees can do, as they're all required to buy, read, understand, and possibly be able to recite select passages from the book. But most other people, well, don't declare it on your tax return. Just don't, okay? We're not accountants, by any means (ask our accountant), but we know it's just not a good idea. I wish you'd never brought it up. Just declare what you're supposed to, and leave off the Fenway Fiction purchases. We are not a charity, FYI.

So you can do that. Buy it on the internet. Or, if you don't like that, mosey on down to your favorite local bookstore, like Booklovers' Gourmet, in Webster, Massachusetts. If you are making a pilgrimage to the newest Sane Magazine offices in beautiful Winchester, Massachusetts (the non-flooded portion of Winchester), you can stop into Book Ends, in the downtown, but you're going to be hard-pressed to find a copy of the book. Now, listen, don't harangue the staff there, but politely, and with the minimum numbers of wagging fingers, ask them nicely if they could stock a couple dozen or so, and perhaps make a trip up the hill to the Sane Magazine complex and ask, also politely, the Sane Magazine founder to sign a couple of them, vastly improving their value, and potentially giving you something worth leaving to your next of kin. Also, if you are traveling to Winchester, pick up a box of Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. Not for you... for us. Leave it at the office door, and we might give you a copy of a rare hard copy thing we've published in the past. Who knows?

At any rate, thank you, is what I wanted to say. "Thank you," and "way to go."

Support Sane:
Tshirts & clothing: The Sane Magazine Shop at Cafe Press
- New designs coming soon, so these limited edition shirts may be worth bazillions of dollars!
A Book: Fenway Fiction

See you on the flip side, yo.

If you had feelings about this week's issue, be sure to let us know how you felt. If your feeling isn't covered here... well, I guess you're stuck, then, aren't you?
Liked it.
Didn't like it.
Would have liked more references to bats.
I'd rather be boiled in vinegar.

Also, we'd like your take on the now missing Summary Feature (email subscribers can still access the summary for the current week's issue only and you can sign up here). How do you feel about the (now gone) summary feature on each issue?
I miss it.
Didn't use it.
What summary, you mean I can get away with reading less?
Don't miss it at all.

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22 May, 2006

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