Wheaties Box Guy

I'd never seen a My LIttle Pony tattoo before. I thought, briefly, about raising copyright concerns. But I wasn't sure if 1) the artist would be the one liable for copyright infringement and not the wearer, 2) a tattoo could constitute copyright infringement, and 3) I should bother a guy with a My Little Pony tattoo on his left bicep.

So I didn't. I sat down at a different counter, where I slapped down my briefcase and pulled out various copyright litigation cases I'd been working on. I wasn't trying to send a message. It's just what I did: fought copyright infringement with all my might and tried to make the world a slightly better place. Safer, I thought. I once sat down at night, with the lights down low, maybe a couple glasses of wine, and I thought about how the world was safer now that a tshirt by this one company didn't have a Mickey Mouse on it any longer. And I couldn't come up with much. But it was late, and dark, so I figured maybe it was something you saw more clearly in the crisp light of day. But I never found time in the light of day to get some serious thought in on that one, so there you go. It was just a feeling that the world was safer. And if someone was feeling safer, well, then, that was close enough for horseshoes.

I made sure not to put my coffee too near the papers and briefcase on the bar area I was occupying. Last time in this shop I'd stamped a number of case files with the dainty round footprint of a small regular coffee.

Unfortunately, the message I though I wasn't sending wasn't what the guy with the My Little Pony tattoo thought about me slapping down my briefcase and papers.

I didn't see him until he screeched, nearly literally, to a halt at my stool. I was knocked off balance, and jabbed out a leg behind me to stop myself from falling off the stool completely.


And that was when it hit me why I'd noticed the guy in the first place, and realized I needed to start cataloging faces with arms in the future.


Hey hey kids, here you go, yet another issue, this time with a little bit of violence, so look out.

Jeez, those speed skatin' guys look like aliens, don't they?

Buy Something:

Tshirts & clothing: The Sane Magazine Shop at Cafe Press
- New designs coming soon, so these limited edition shirts may be worth bazillions of dollars soon!
A Book: Fenway Fiction

See you next week.

If you had feelings about this week's issue, be sure to let us know how you felt. If your feeling isn't covered here... well, I guess you're stuck, then, aren't you?
Liked it.
Didn't like it.
Would have liked more references to bats.
I'd rather be boiled in vinegar.

Also, we'd like your take on the now missing Summary Feature (email subscribers can still access the summary for the current week's issue only and you can sign up here). How do you feel about the (now gone) summary feature on each issue?
I miss it.
Didn't use it.
What summary, you mean I can get away with reading less?
Don't miss it at all.

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13 Feb, 2006

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